About me
I am an ecologist with broad interests in spatial ecology, macroecology, biodiversity conservation and global change biology. Interested in the factors that determine species distributions and species abundance, with an emphasis on the effect of anthropogenic drivers and how these may drive local populations or species to extinction
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I am particularly interested in the behavioural, demographic and functional responses of wildlife along anthropogenic gradients. My main scientific achievements include incorporating complex meta-analytical and predictive models to study the effect of global change drivers on species abundance patterns across large scales. This approach involves using mining techniques to compile large datasets from the literature, and the coupling of georeferenced data with spatial information on anthropogenic drivers and species traits.
I strive for employing the best ecological information to date retrieved from historical sources, camera trap data, acoustic monitoring and/or long term monitoring schemes, and combining it with spatially-explicit environmental and anthropogenic factors derived from remote sensing in order to tackle long-standing questions in Ecology and Conservation. I work at the interface between local-scale ecology studies, macroecology and (large-scale) conservation, by swiftly transferring data and tools from one discipline to the other in order to better understand the mechanisms, interactions and impact of global change drivers on ecological communities and ecosystem functioning. These questions are extremely relevant for advancing ecological knowledge, informing policymakers, and addressing societal challenges.
Job offer: vulnerability assessment of tropical vertebrates to hunting pressure
I am looking for an enthusiastic (postdoc) researcher that is interested in spatial ecology, global change biology and/or conservation biogeography. The position is funded by the EVAHUNT project, and will last 18-24 months depending on the candidate level. In this...
New postdoc researcher for the ELECTROSTEPPE project
After months of tedious bureacratic steps, including applicationsfor criminal record and birth certificates, visa applications, CSIC contract procedures, and many others I am not going to mention, François and I are happy to welcome Pablo Medrano as a new member of...
Postdoc position – ELECTROSTEPPE project
We are looking for an enthusiastic postdoc researcher that is interested in spatial ecology, movement ecology, and addressing conflicts between steppe bird conservation and renewable energy development projects. The postdoc position is funded by the ELECTROSTEPPE...