I am looking for an enthusiastic (postdoc) researcher that is interested in spatial ecology, global change biology and/or conservation biogeography. The position is funded by the EVAHUNT project, and will last 18-24 months depending on the candidate level. In this...
After months of tedious bureacratic steps, including applicationsfor criminal record and birth certificates, visa applications, CSIC contract procedures, and many others I am not going to mention, François and I are happy to welcome Pablo Medrano as a new member of...
Last december Carlos Merino Luca started his PhD on the ecology and conservation of sandgrouse, funded by the FPU program of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. He will be looking at large-scale changes in the distribution and abundance of sandgrouse in...
Welcome! Hi everyone! I am glad to share my brand new website with the world. I wanted to have my own personal web already for a long time but the process of actually having one online has taken over two years. You know, the pandemic has not helped, I also became a...