Evidence-based solutions for an ecological transition compatible with the conservation of steppe birds (2022-2024)



In this project we propose a multispecies, spatially-explicit approach to assess the challenges and provide potential solutions that allow the transition to a low-carbon, renewable energy-based economy compatible with safeguarding the conservation of the last remaining steppe bird communities in Europe. The project builds upon national censuses of steppe-birds and a large data set of GPS tagged birds, and will be used to generate the best ecological data on steppe bird distribution, abundance, and movement ecology. This project is led by IREC-CSIC and MNCN-CSIC, in partnership with UCM, UAM, CFTC and SEO/BirdLife. We also expect synergies with the “Cátedra” Steppe Forward and the recently created GIAE (Grupo de Investigación en Aves Esteparias). The ELECTROSTEPPE project (TED2021-130352B-100) is funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and by the EU (“NextGenerationEU”/PRTR).

More info here.




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In progress


Mougeot, F., Fernández-Tizón, M., Benítez-López, A., Tarjuelo, R., Jiménez, J. (2024) Population decline of the Black-bellied sandgrouse Pterocles orientalis in continental Spain, a main western Palearctic stronghold. Bird Conservation International. doi: 10.1017/S0959270924000066