Scaling up defaunation impacts: from local ecological networks to pantropical carbon-biodiversity relationships (2022-2026). EMERGIA grant.
This project aims to understand the consequences of defaunation for community assembly, ecological networks, functional diversity, and forest regeneration in the tropics, and enhance our knowledge of the spatial relationship between carbon storage and tropical biodiversity in order to maximize conservation co-benefits.

Project pictures
Project outputs
Oral communications
Ferreiro-Arias, I., Santini, L., Sagar, H. S. S. C., Richard-Hansen, C., Guilbert, E., Forget, P. M., van Kuijk, M., Revilla, E., Benítez-López, Ana. Unveiling the extent and magnitude of overhunting impacts on tropical bird communities. Oral communication. XVI AEET congress, Almeria, Spain (October 16 – 20, 2023).
Benítez-López, A. Impactos de la sobreexplotación sobre aves tropicales: defaunación y efectos cascada en el funcionamiento de ecosistemas tropicales. Delta Birding Festival 2023 (MónNatura Delta, Delta del Ebro, Spain). (21-24 September 2023)
Ferreiro-Arias, I., Santini, L., Sagar, H. S. S. C., Richard-Hansen, C., Guilbert, E., Forget, P. M., van Kuijk, M., Revilla, E., Benítez-López, Ana. Unveiling the extent and magnitude of overhunting impacts on tropical bird communities. Oral communication. 6th European Conference of Tropical Ecology and 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Tropical Ecology (Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie, gtö) (GTOE2023). Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic (19 – 23 June, 2023).
Brodie, J.F., Bello, C., Emer, C., Galetti, M., Luskin, M. S., Osuri, A., Peres, C. A., Stoll, A., Villar, N., Benítez-López, A. (2024) Defaunation impacts on the carbon balance of tropical forests. Conservation Biology. doi: 10.1111/cobi.14414
Ferreiro-Arias, I., Santini, L., Sagar, H. S. S. C., Richard-Hansen, C., Guilbert, E., Forget, P-M, van Kuijk, M., Scabin, A. B., Peres, C. A., Revilla, E., Benítez-López, A. (2024) Drivers and spatial patterns of avian defaunation in tropical forests. Diversity and Distributions. doi: 10.1111/ddi.13855